3 Crucial Oilfield Tools for Cleaning Rigs

Using heavy machinery in oilfields is not an easy task. The build-up of debris can lead to fire outbreaks, air pollution, and breathing problems for the employees who have to work with heavy machines in oilfields. Moreover, it can also cause the equipment to slow down, malfunction, and even break down completely.

By using high pressure washing for oil rigs, they can be cleaned effectively and without too much manual labour. Drums, pipes, storage tanks, towers, reactors, and vacuum units are some of the important parts of refineries that need regular and expert cleaning.  First and foremost, degreasing needs to be done which makes the equipment free from harmful gases and chemicals thereby allowing the maintenance workers to enter it for further cleaning.

Another effective method is pressure washing which can clean the build-up of debris and dirt. However, knowing how to use a pressure washer is extremely important. If the high-pressure water gets in contact with any person, it can lacerate the skin, damage eardrums, or even cause death. Therefore, along with preventive measures, PPE suits and face shields are a must for using a high-pressure washer to clean rigs.


The 3 Crucial Oilfield Tools

Heavy industrial equipment and machinery need to be cleaned regularly as they can become blocked with debris, dirt, grime, and chemicals. If these machines are not cleaned, they can pose a serious threat to the safety of workers. The knowledge of all the tools that are used in oilfields is important for all workers and managers. Here are the top 3 crucial oilfield tools that are used for cleaning rigs and heavy machinery:

1.   Sand Pumps

Sand pumps have replaced the need for manual labor and other machinery for transferring particles from the oilfield site. The basic use of sand pumps is to move deposits away from the site of drilling.

2.   Debris Cleaners

Mud or debris cleaners are like a mesh with little holes that prevent the solid pieces from entering the mud. Clean mud is important for keeping the drill cool. Thick and impure mud can stop the drills from operating properly and can slow down the work.

3.   Shale Shakers

Shale shakers play an integral role in the separation system. They keep the large solids separate from the drilling fluids, that is, the mud. Basically, it helps in cutting down the cost of drilling and helps in reducing environmental damage as well.


On a Final Note

High pressure washing for oil rigs is a revolutionary invention that has made it very convenient to clean heavy machinery and rigs. Everything from degreasing to high pressure washing should be done while ensuring the safety of the workers. Additionally, the thorough knowledge of oilfield tools such as sand pumps and shale shakers can be helpful for success when it comes to cleaning refineries 


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